Why I don’t host services that hold user data to the public
Published (updated: ) in Self-hosted.
To put it simply, I don’t want to be responsible for possible data loss that could be my fault or something out of my control.
I do host them for myself and people I know so it’s easier to manage and backup existing data, but if there was say a 100 people more, it would be a mess to control and I just don’t want to deal with that.
Great examples of this would be Bitwarden, I only host it for myself because I can suffer some downtime and data loss if something bad would happen.
I could just say that I’m not responsible for anything bad that would happen, but why would anyone use a service like that? Probably no one, and still I would feel guilty saying that.
So for now, I am happy with what I host for others at the moment and hope you will find them useful.